Thursday, September 5, 2013

Why We're Here...

Starting a blog for your business in 2013 is a little like deciding it's time to break out the disco ball and polyester slacks in the era of Mumford & Sons.  Not exactly what we'd call blazing a trail.  We aren't gonna make the cover of Fast Company for this move.  But while we're a tad behind the times on leaping into the blogosphere, it's with good reason.

Blogs are a slippery thing.  The rule of thumb being that a business that blogs should make a viable contribution to its readership.  The chief request being, "tell me some things that might help MY business, rather than just what you've been up to."   On the other hand, in today's blink-and-you-miss-it landscape, you sometimes have to point people toward the work you've been up to so you stay on their radar as a resource and a collaborator.

We've been using the excuse of being a happy victim of the cobbler's son syndrome for quite a while;  thankfully too busy creating for clients to market ourselves, share insights, or just plain keep a steady correspondence going across the web.  But with a new website (Thanks, Kristen Leigh!) to share, the time seemed right to add a blog into the mix.

Our hope is to share whatever wisdom we stumble across as well as the work we're engaged in, ideas to get your creative engines in overdrive and, of course, some self-effacing humor about our industry.

So strap in.  It's about to get real up in this blog thing.  Finally.

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