Thursday, September 5, 2013

This Is What We Do. (No, You Can't See It.)

One of the bigger challenges in our industry is that we write a lot of video scripts for corporations.  Videos that are shown at annual meetings, that are used as training modules, that are shared on the companies' intranets.  What doesn't happen as often is a situation where the videos we script - and sometimes help cast - are available for public consumption.

Naturally, no company worth their salt wants to give away their cookies by showing videos that highlight procedures, internal messaging, or competitive strategies on the web.  So, getting permission to obtain and share these videos is quite often a challenge.  One of the goals for our new site is to have a private page for clients to access so they can view the work we've done without anyone else having access to them.

In the meantime, a number of video projects we've worked on are marketing pieces and, thus, have made their way onto YouTube.  The next few posts offered on this blog will feature some of those videos.

For starters, here's an episodic series Tommy Housworth & Steve Coulter wrote for the ACVB.  Green Media produced the project.  The goal was to create videos that would play at event planner gatherings across the country, platforming Atlanta as THE destination for company meetings and events.  We developed a concept that fit into the familiar crime-drama genre, sort of a "CSI" for the ATL.  It's called  "The ATL Files" and it was a huge hit with the industry audiences.  So much so, that the ACVB requested we create an additional epilogue to further the story.

You can check out the videos, the cast (including 7 Course's Mary Kraft, Rob Cleveland, Vince Canlas, and Laparee Young), and the behind the scenes stories here:


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