Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Walking Contradiction? Nah, You're Just Creative.

We all like to think of ourselves as creative, be it our ability to strum Jason Mraz tunes on our fancy new $70 ukulele or make a plate of Publix noodles and Paul Newman Sockarooni Marinara Sauce look like it was prepared by Gordon Ramsay.

Whether your livelihood encompasses creative endeavors, or you find your artistic outlet in your leisure hours, we've all got a bit of that imaginative lifeforce pulsing through our veins.

If you've ever doubted your creative potential because you're not "one of those people" - you know, the ones who sip Americano at Starbucks and toss off socially relevant haikus on Facebook with hourly precision - then maybe you should read this article from Fast Company.

Creative types are more complicated than we realize, and much harder to pigeonhole, mostly because they are rife with internal contradictions.  Most of the people I've met, once I've gotten to know them, are rife with those same contradictions.  It's in those contradictions that we find the grit that makes the occasional pearl.

So, dive in.  You just may find you've got more DaVinci in your DNA than you gave yourself credit for.

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